Start of Long-Term Maintenance
So today we started something big. Long Term Maintenance! This is what we have been waiting for for 9 months. However, this starts a very very long road, which makes it a bit difficult to wrap our brains around. For the last 9-10 months our family has been running on adrenaline. There was no break or let down from the 9-10 months of active treatment, we just jumped right into “normal” while everything remained abnormal. It’s difficult to explain but the reality it that we both have fulltime jobs, a kindergartener who is just starting and figuring out life, a baby at a new daycare, concert season, work meetings, enough medication to dispense that we might as well be a pharmacy, and a chemo regimen to maintain at a hospital an hour away with no paid leave from work. It’s a circus. We started maintenance with an OR day where he got spinal chemo as well as another IV chemo. He also started a round of steroids and 2 oral chemos at home…13 pills people! Sheesh! And 2 liquid sus...