
Showing posts from May, 2019

Memorial Day Weekend

For Memorial Day weekend we traveled to Waynesboro to see some really close family friends that we hadn't seen since April when Kristy was cut off from traveling when she was pregnant with Evyn. Kristy's parents always have a big picnic for Memorial Day and we haven't been able to attend in over 2 years. It was so good to see everyone who has supported us so much from afar during Cooper's treatment. It was also wonderful for people to finally get to meet Evyn!  We even got to have a little mini birthday celebration for Cooper with some family and friends while we were there. Cooper sure did love his ice cream cake! I was so excited to see my best friend Bekah and her daughter Cora. I haven't seen them in over a year and they have never met Evyn. It was so good to see them and watch Cora and Coop play together.

Deep Creek Lake

After Cooper immunoglobulin, a super fun scare and a 103.5 fever with Evyn, and Kristy's concert week. We GOT AWAY!!!! This is the first time we have gone away as a family of 4...EVER. We went to Deep Creek Lake. The Believe in Tomorrow Children's Foundation is a wonderful foundation that we are a part of and they provide respite housing for immediate families only to use in the middle of treatment. We can use any of the vacation houses free of charge every 3 months during treatment. It is so nice to be able to get away and not have to think about the expense, especially since often taking off of work requires time without pay. This foundation does so much to help the kids by providing amazing experiences and family time. It was much needed and much appreciated. Cooper got to do a ropes course, the mountain coaster, mini golf, went hiking, and we also got to hang at the beach for a bit. We had never been to Deep Creek before and it was awes...


First off, apologies if this post is a rant, because quite frankly this past  week and been a mess and it shouldn't have been. The real deal is that what occurred at clinic and with Coop never should have happened or even been a discussion, but it is, because of the measles. A disease that was eradicated and is now growing with a vengeance because of person preference and choices. Now, we don't want to get political, but put any parent that is in that oncology clinic in an argument with an antivax person, and sorry but you will lose. We have more data, more scientific knowledge, and more numbers and blood levels to back up that argument than 90% of the population and the bottom line is that it is scary, it is real, and yes...those people who aren't vaccinated who are impacting HERD immunity ARE affecting our kids not just themselves....but we digress. Long story short, due to patient 0 in MD, there have been exposure issues, let's's much more of a nightma...