Sibling Rivalry

A little sibling rivalry we could have done without! On Friday Evyn was transported to Hopkins via ambulance. Everyone is fine but I guess she HAD to get that ambulance ride in before Cooper. Never a dull moment. Evyn aspirated a very small piece of her snack into her lung while she was eating when she coughed. She went into surgery on Saturday morning to have it removed. She is a champ and is doing very well. It was a bit much for mommy and daddy considering we were in the ER and inpatient the same week we were when Cooper was diagnosed last year and the last time we got “sent to Hopkins” our Coop had cancer. Everyone is ok though but it has been a very long few days. Thank you to everyone who has checked on us, given us lots of patience, and gotten us back on our feet. Our awesome neighbors and Grammy and Grandad came to the rescue to help once again! We are so thankful! We are grateful that this time was more simple than the last.


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