
Today was a good day!

After careful review of Cooper's counts, and overall response to his first few rounds of chemo, the doctors made the decision to send us home a few days early!  Initially they were expecting to send us home on Tuesday (Day 8) however he seems to be doing well enough that they sent us back today (Day 4).  We still have a long (long) road ahead, but if there is one thing we have learned over the last  6 days it is that you need to focus on the positives and not the bad things.  With that in mind, we are thrilled at his continued positive prognosis, our return home today, and his overall spirit!  We also continue to be extremely grateful for Coopers doctors and nurses at Johns Hopkins.

Cooper will begin his twice weekly outpatient chemo regimen on Monday.  The next 24 days (his first "block" of chemotherapy) will be a challenge but we know God, and his work through Cooper's amazing medical team, will get us through this!

Finally for today, we just wanted to say that we have been extremely blessed by the flood of prayers, love and support from all of you!  Kristy and I have quite literally been brought to tears in the reading of your FaceBook comments and private messages over the past few days.  If we have not responded directly to a text or message from you, please do not feel these go unappreciated and accept our thanks.  I know we have said it before, but we are extremely blessed to have the support system from our family, friends, and loved ones.  Please know that we draw strength from each of you, so please keep the prayers coming!  Each time we read a message from you, we feel better about the future.  We love you all!

Jason, Kristy, Cooper and Evyn

PS - on a side note - Cooper made sure to make good use of his 6 days in the oncology unit by making a pretty impressive LEGO model of Hogwarts castle from the Harry Potter series.  I think the total part count is something around 1,500 total bricks. Cooper LOVES LEGO and there was no way this was going to slow down his building!


  1. Cooper- your smile has always lit up my day. Seeing you smiling here has done the same. You are “Super Cooper” and I’m so proud of how strong you are. I love you with all of my guts! Xo. Ms. Jill 😘

  2. Such wonderful news! Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers to all of you as you find your new "normal." Love to you all!


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