More Fall Fun and Halloween

We got out for some awesome family fall activities. We went hiking at Cunningham Falls and I am proud to say that after last year where Cooper had to work hard to walk to the park which is a half a mile away, he did the entire 3 mile hike!!!! What a long way he has come. We hiked, collected, leaves, went to the apple orchard, made apple dumplings and monster cupcakes and soaked up every bit of fall fun that we could. 


 A little Halloween fashion and pumpkin carving. This year Cooper chose to do the Disney castle with Micke mouse ears since we were leaving on our make a wish trip soon.

 Evyn at daycare. She has so much sass and we just love it!
 Can't forget football Sunday with our tiny Raven Greene fan in the house.

 This year for halloween we did a Star Wars theme since we are heading the Disney's Star Wars Galaxy's Edge in 3 weeks. Cooper was Darth Vader and Evyn was BB8. Evyn made a super cute BB8 if I do say so myself, but she was highly uncooperative when it came to picture time.


 Evyn was way more interested in the neighbors dogs to look at the camera.

Halloween got cancelled due to tornado warnings, which was a bummer but Cooper's friend Nolan's neighborhood rescheduled it for Saturday. It was much better going with a friend anyway! 


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