All In This Together

We've laid low with commenting on the recent events of the world for a few reasons, it's a sensitive topic for us, we really don't know what to think, and our opinions may not necessarily be popular. However, we've made a point to document this journey and this is part of it, so here goes....

I think if I had any patience left after the last year an a half plus of our life, it went away in the last 2 weeks. It's waned significantly for a lot of reasons. I think the "me me me" mentality in our culture is astounding, and this situation only magnified it. The world is in panic, we have shut everything down when literally not 3 weeks ago half of the public schools had active flu and you couldn't get a Clorox wipe in the place, but I digress. The last 2 weeks there have been a lot of things I have seen and heard that are a hard pill to swallow. Most people have asked  "how on earth are we going to do this 14 day quarantine and COVID-19?" When we are asked that question, it's really difficult for me to respond with anything but "hold my coffee....welcome to my world".

I don't mean that to sound insensitive, because we are absolutely taking this seriously, and I also don't say that so people will feel sorry for us. We have made peace with our journey and it is a journey that is very much in progress. I just think that a little dose of reality would do us all some good if we are in fact "all in this together."

It's hard when I hear people ask how on earth they're going to be stuck in the house with their kids for 14 days, because I know a lot of people who would give anything to have their kid for just one more day. It's hard to hear people complain that their sports practices are cancelled because their kid needs something to do, or God forbid they get behind. You know how many sports practices my kid has missed (or any other kid with a life threatening diagnosis or a child with special needs)? All of them...We quarantined for 10 months, with a newborn and a kid who was puking almost daily, and the saddest part is that I know that there are a lot of people who had it way worse than we did. We also quarantined when the world around us as we knew it kept spinning and our world had stopped. I know people who had to cancel their kid's birthday party, but not just any birthday party, a birthday party where they're not sure if they'll see another. People who never saw their child graduate. There are people in this situation who have more baggage and worries and stress than most could even imagine.

Because you see, for some of us, the quarantine, as difficult as it may be, is the dream. It's the dream because it means that you get to keep your people. For some people that's the goal, that's the end game. Just a mediocre life where you get to keep those that surround you.

Here's the thing, everyone right now is in the same boat. It's a crappy boat, I'll admit. It's hard...we know. BUT find the joy in the time that you've been given. After all, isn't that what we all want is more time? You just got it. Don't whine because you're stuck in the house with offspring that most people made the choice to have. One day, that time will be gone and you'll wish you had it back. And at the end of the day, when you have your people, does anything else really matter? Would the sports, the schooling, dinners, outside play be the same if they weren't there?

So, here we are, faced with a situation where we are all rowing this boat together. Just remember, that many of us have boats with holes, boats that are half underwater. So go easy. Follow directions. Because this isn't about YOU if we are really "all in this together". I think in this time a lot of us are going to realize everyone in this world is a piece to the puzzle now that we have a lot of puzzle pieces missing. We're going to realize how important some of those people and those jobs are that we often take for granted. It is my hope that through all of this, the world gains a little bit of perspective and never once takes for granted the time that they have with their families. Many don't get the time they deserved.

So in all of this, I hope that people understand the importance of the greater good, that everything isn't about them, that people learn to find joy in the simple things, that directions aren't just for some people, and for goodness sake, wash your damn hands! Unfortunately many of us learned to live in panic, face the fear, and use hand sanitizer long ago. Welcome to a little piece of our's a scary place isn't it?


  1. This is just wonderfully said. It is all about perspective and I love that you shared yours to help the rest of us understand this a little better. I have to admit, I was feeling a little cranky earlier today about it. Not so much keeping social distance, I love my "less people" time- but I am having a problem with being active without the group I usually work out with. We are all in this together, my boat definitely has some holes, and it's a reminder to just be kind- even when in the midst of the yuck. Air Hugs and lots of prayers to everyone.

  2. Heather Trueblood WillsApril 24, 2020 at 8:20 AM

    Well said, cousin. Hope you're all hanging in there okay. Hugs to you and the rest of your sweet family.


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