Miss Evyn Wylde

 So we figured it was about time that we gave a little update on Evyn. Poor thing, half the time people forget that we have a second child! She is such a little ball of happiness and has brought us much joy during this time. She is most definitely the comic relief in our family. I think this entire situation scared us doubly, because we also have an infant to take care of at the same time we are dealing with job changes, medical changes, constantly feeling on the edge, taking care of Coop around the clock...adding no sleeping and taking care of another being that needed our 100% attention was no small task, not to mention all of the physical and emotional changes after having a baby. 
 We can honestly say that she is such a sweet baby. She is calm, she's funny, and we often joke that at times, we could just prop her up in the corner and leave her there and she would be happy as a clam. Evyn is definitely living up to her name and her reputation. For those of you who don't know, Evyn got the middle name Wylde because Cooper always called her wild child. She was such a mover and a kicker from day 1. The doctors could never get a heart rate on her, her ultrasound pictures were ridiculous, and ultimately she ended up with the cord wrapped from all of her flipping and flopping. So Coop said he wanted her middle name to be "wild" and we changed the spelling. Can't say she has been much different since she was born. This girl is a MOVER!!!!! She was rolling over and insisted on sleeping on her stomach since 2 1/2 months. She spins around in her crib, gets her legs and arms stuck outside of the crib all the time, and her latest trick is pulling her arms and her feet inside her onesie or putting both legs through one leg hole....we're not quite sure how she even does it. Lord help us when she starts crawling. 

 Flash is definitely the protector of our kids. When Evyn was born he followed her around everywhere. He always seems to go to the littlest one in the house. However, after Cooper got sick, Flash went back to his boy. He still follows Ev around too but it's almost like he knows who needs him most. 
Evyn just turned 5 months old. We can't believe it. I feel like we blinked and she was 5 months. I know you always feel that way with kids, but I can't help but think that we really feel that way with her because perhaps we have been so distracted. In her 5 months of life, over 4 months of it has been filled with chaos, and a lot of sadness that has changed our family, probably forever. It is sad to think that the year she was born was also a year that, for the most part, we would like to forget or erase. However, she has brought a lot of light through this dark time and we are thankful everyday that Evyn will not know or remember the struggle. She will know that she is loved and cared for, and at this time, that's enough. She may be missing pages in her baby book and there may not be quite as many pictures of her before 6 months, but she is loved, more than she will ever know...and one day, when she is grown, she will understand. In the meantime, we will soak up the moments with her as we watch her change and grow before our eyes, and we will look back and know that there were happy times too.


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