Interim Maintenance 2...Like a BOSS

We have had a big 2 weeks here at the Trueblood house, and by big week, I mean the adults got to go to the grocery store like normal human beings! No, that isn't a joke, we've been trying really hard to limit our exposure to the public because of Cooper's ANC at zero and for Evyn being cold and flu season, BUT we really did have a pretty big week with some things that were actually pretty fun. 

Since Coop finished chemo for intensification he has needed several blood and platelet transfusions. So unfortunately the 2-3 weeks "off" at the end of this phase was still filled with hospital visits and long days in clinic. However, we are extremely thankful that even though he was neutropenic, he never got a fever or an infection which is a real win in our book. 

Based on his counts and how low his platelets were as well, the docs didn't think there was ANY way we wouldn't be delayed going into Interim Maintenance 2. We even pushed back Kristy's start date for returning to work anticipating a delay. Not only did he make counts but his platelets recovered fully back to normal range and his ANC was 1100!!!! Coop said "I made counts like a BOSS!!!!" He is constantly surprising us and he has so much bounce back! They have even told us that there is a good chance he may return to school sooner than planned and that we can go out in public and do a few things with some precautions. Cooper can also have some friends over for a play date!

Last weekend the Make A Wish team came out to interview him. He had so much fun with them getting to plan something for when life returns to normal. Cooper's final wish was to go to Disney World. He had several ideas in his "wish box" but that was the final wish he settled on. Once we hear back from the volunteers we will know the plan. 
 Cooper working with the Make A Wish Volunteers.

Cooper also got to be on TV this week! On Monday morning, we got a call that they wanted to do an interview at the house. We had an hour notice before they were coming over because the story had to air at 5:00 that day! Nothing like trying to get this 3 ring circus together for a TV interview between nap times, feedings, home school. YIKES!

Here is the full story from the news if you didn't get to see it!

Cooper's countdown! Intensification DONE!

IM 2 day 1

Working on our beads of courage. It is a program where the kids get different beads as milestones for various parts of their treatment, pokes, port access, chemo rounds, blood transfusions, clinic visits, PT, etc. Unfortunately Cooper's bead string is quite long, which is sad since it quantifies all he has been through but those beads are winding down! 

We are able to breathe a little deeper and see the light at the end of the tunnel. Cooper had 4 more hospital treatment days in "active" therapy! Thanks for all of the prayers, messages, thoughts over the last 2 months. It was an emotional rollercoaster. 


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