Flash: The man, the myth, the legend...

Today we are heartbroken. Today we said goodbye to our Boxer Flash. While losing a pet who is a member of your family is a "normal" part of the progression of life, Flash was different. He wasn't just any pet. I know that everyone believes that their dog or pet is the best, as they should, but Flash wasn't just a member of our family. Cooper was his boy. This dog was different and the farther we get into this journey the less and less we believe that things in this life happen by coincidence. Even the bad and the ugly, there is a plan, and while we may not like the plan, there is one.

For the last 2 years we have been trying to drive this out of control bus that we call life back onto the road to normal. However, I think we have realized that defining our normal isn't our call. So after the birth of a baby, almost 2 years of leukemia treatment, some points where we were very scared of relapse, and a global pandemic which has forced Cooper out of school again, and forced us to continue to be quarantined long after the general public, Coop lost his buddy Flash. Sometimes it just doesn't seem fair, and more and more I have realized sadly that this life isn't fair and there are many who have it so much worse.

Here's what I can tell you about Flash and why this was so hard for our family...harder than the usual house pet. Flash was Cooper's keeper. 2 weeks before Cooper was diagnosed with cancer we took Flash for his yearly check-up. Flash was 8 years old. His liver levels came back extremely abnormal and the vet told us that his liver was failing and that it was only a matter of time. We were on borrowed time. Cooper got sick 2 weeks later. About a month into Cooper's treatment, Flash had another blood panel check. Without any medical intervention, Flash came back with a completely normal panel. No liver issues...nothing, with no explanation from the vet.

Flash rallied for Cooper. He was there by his side after every single chemo treatment. He knew something was wrong before we did. Flash was the keeper of our babies and most of all was Cooper's protector. We might. not be right, but what we choose to believe is that Flash was ok leaving this world because he knew his boy was going to be ok. I don't believe anything with Flash was a coincidence. Flash held out for his boy and got us through some really rough times. I remember many times coming home from the hospital and collapsing on the floor with Flash while I cried and begged God to keep my people. Flash was there through it all and sadly it was his time, but for the life he had  and what he was to our kids, we are thankful.


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