Dodging the "No Fun Hotel"

Well this week was just YUCK! We have had a bit of a time the last week or so. We were really looking to have 14 days off from the hospital, but that ended up being a no go.

For starters our water treatment system needed to be replaced for our well water. Let me tell you, no water, or laundry for a week with a newborn and a kid that is throwing up regularly is a special kind of hell. We survived without throwing our clothes away and by using lots of paper plates, which was a positive. We will have to reduce, reuse, and recycle at a later date in life. See our sense of humor here? We haven't lost it completely, because some days if you don't laugh, you'll cry.

Cooper has had some rough side effects from all of the lumbar punctures combined with the oral chemo and his other meds, all which have a top side effect of nausea. So, yep...Every. Single. Day...poor little dude is getting sick.

Friday afternoon, we still couldn't get the nausea under control and Coop spiked a low grade fever. We kept an eye on it for a while and the docs finally told us to come in. Cooper was so upset. Typically anytime he gets a fever, we're looking at a minimum 72 hour stay in the hospital. Needless to say Coop was less than stoked about the "no fun hotel" which is what we affectionately call oncology inpatient.

We took him into the ER Friday night and in order to keep him his fever has to be over 100.3. Well guess what? Cooper was 100.4...

They had to do blood cultures, which meant extra needles, a port spike, which took an eternity because the nurses in the ER don't spike pediatric ports on a regular basis, so to say it was a little traumatic is an understatement! His blood levels and his ANC looked awesome though, so they gave him an antibiotic and said GO HOME!!!!! Major win on a week where we really needed one!


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