
On Wednesday we went in to start phase 2. This is a 28 day chemo phase called Consolidation. During this phase he will have a surgical procedure every week to administer chemo into his spine. Nothing he hasn't done before, it's just that it is every week during this phase. The reasoning behind this is that the spinal fluid is where leukemia likes to hide. So, during his day 29 results, no leukemia was detected. However, this does mean that there could be some cells hiding in places. All it takes is one, so that is the reasoning behind 6 months of chemo AFTER the leukemia is "gone". During these phases they will be targeting different areas with different drugs to get any and all leukemia that may be hiding in his body.

Unfortunately on Wednesday it was a no go. To start a new chemo cycle, your ANC level has to be at 710. Coop was at 320 and his hemoglobin was low as well. This would explain his low energy...ha ha! And here I thought he was low energy because he had 2 surgeries and chemotherapy...silly me! It is quite the balancing act figuring out what is causing what and getting to know your kids health all over again.

So, instead of moving forward, Cooper got a blood transfusion instead and we will wait until next week to see if his counts are up.
 Cooper with the child life specialist learning all about getting his port spiked.

Poor Coop got so tired of waiting he fell asleep!

Stay tuned and fingers crossed for next week.


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