Birthdays and Back to the Grind

Well this is the day that we have dreaded, but also been excited for. It is scary, terrifying, but also exciting because of what it means for our family. Kristy returned to work on Monday. While this was a beginning step in our full return to normal, it was also a very difficult day. It is difficult to process normal and also hard to balance both of us working full-time jobs while still dealing with all of the energy and stress that continues with cancer treatment of a child, and a baby.

We are thankful that we have some grandparent help to make this transition. Kitten and Walt have been amazing and pretty much put their lives on hold to be here for all of the clinic days, but they are also helping us bridge the gap before Cooper is cleared to go back to school. It is tricky because we don't know exactly when that will be so they are helping with Cooper and Evyn until we get a solid date. We are so thankful for this and couldn't do it without their help, as we were skirting a very fine line where Kristy's job would have been posted and most likely she would have gotten relocated to somewhere else in Howard County. While heading back was a very difficult decision, we felt that as a family we had to look at the long term. This is a 3 year battle, with exorbitant financial implications and medical costs. Putting her in a new school, with a new community, student population of over 500 new kids to learn, new administration, possibly an extremely long commute, it didn't make sense to complicate and add stress to our lives long-term. Controlling some sense of stability was really important given the upheaval of everything else. So, the good news is that Cooper returns to school soon and there are only 3 months until summer break!

The weekend before we got to get out and celebrate our birthdays and do some things together as a family. We went to Harpers Ferry and walked around and then went to a brewery for lunch. It was nice once again that Cooper's counts were good enough on Friday that they cleared him to go out again this past weekend for some family fun.

 Evyn didn't make it on the hike and stayed with Grammy and grandad in the stroller:)

Thank you to all of the awesome kids and teachers at Lisbon who filled the classroom with awesome notes and made it just a little easier to return to work!!!!
Our Lisbon Family has been amazing and has supported us so much!


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